Lou Reed's Sister

He got all the fame, I just taught him how to sing and picked up after him.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Doctor Is Sin

I knew this girl who thought her psychiatrist was hot for her. She was convinced he was ready to leave his wife (a doctor too) so that he could run away with her. Well, he never said anything or did anything overtly to indicate that he was ready to start fucking in the backseat of the Crazymobile, but she just KNEW he was. Still, she would drive past his house at night and imagine that "they" lived there, and that she was the new Mrs Doctor K.

Anyways, it got to the point that she'd go to her weekly sessions with him and get all damp in the pants, then rush home and ask some guy on the internet to call her on the phone and pretend to be Doctor K., and say dirty shit to her while she stabbed her gash.

After months of the doctor never making the big move, she turned him in for being inappropriate with her. Rejection is just as blind as love...

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Just in case you ever see this, I want you to know what a fucking loser you are.

You simply got rejected. By me, by others, simply because you're a pain in the ass. It's that simple. There's no big pscho-drama involved. It's not a conspiracy. It's you. You suck. And after a while, people see it and don't want to be around you. Trying to be your friend simply costs more than it's worth in the long run. And THAT'S the truth, whether you like it or not.

Here's a little advice: Simply own what's wrong with you. And when it gets the best of you, just shut up for awhile. Simply take a break. Come back later and say you acted like an asshole. Some people might buy it. Once or even twice. But if they don't, it's not their fault, it's YOURS.

You can smear them, scream about them, tell all the lies you can think up about them, project yourown crap on them, but it will still be YOU. Always has been, always will be. All your ranting simply makes people more convinced that they're right about you.

Good luck.

Friday, March 24, 2006


I thought you said "WINE"